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Showing posts from September, 2024

the year in clears #20: BBB game 13 - summon night: swordcraft story

I've kinda had a soft spot for crafting in games for a while, but games that make a point of centering crafting of equipment are kinda few and far between. it's often viewed as tedious, or detracting from The Good Bit of the game, where you actually use the gear you're making. frankly, I think this is both a failure on the part of the designer to make interesting crafting systems in the bigger games where this opinion is born, and at least a slight failure on the part of the average player to find value in things that aren't The Main Gameplay Loop the writing in this game is really loose, leaving it feeling like it's not really too concerned with being taken 100% seriously, but still uses the light-hearted beats to have some meaningful character moments... despite the localization feeling stiff. diving into the dungeon and finding scrap to repurpose as generic raw material to make weapons was a lot of fun! some of the respite pacing was a little janky, and there wer